
class ttkthemes.themed_style.ThemedStyle(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: ttk.Style, ttkthemes._widget.ThemedWidget

Style that supports setting the theme for a Tk instance. Can be used as a drop-in replacement for normal ttk.Style instances. Supports the themes provided by this package.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Parameters:theme – Theme to set up initialization completion. If the theme is not available, fails silently.

Alias of get_themes() to allow for a drop-in replacement of the normal ttk.Style instance.

Returns:Result of get_themes()

Set a new theme to use or return current theme name

Parameters:theme_name – name of theme to use
Returns:active theme name
class ttkthemes.themed_tk.ThemedTk(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Tkinter.Tk, ttkthemes._widget.ThemedWidget

Tk child class that supports the themes supplied in this package

A theme can be set upon initialization or during runtime. Can be used as a drop-in replacement for the normal Tk class. Additional options:

  • Initial theme theme: Sets the initial theme to the theme specified. If the theme is not available, fails silently (there is no indication that the theme is not set other than it not appearing to the user).
  • Toplevel background color toplevel: Hooks into the Toplevel.__init__ function to set a default window background color in the options passed. The hook is not removed after the window is destroyed, which is by design because creating multiple Tk instances should not be done in the first place.
  • Tk background color themebg: Set the default background color of a Tk window to the default theme background color. For example: The background of windows may take on a dark color for dark themes. Backwards-compatible with the background keyword argument of v2.3.0 and earlier.
  • GIF theme override gif_override: Forces ttkthemes to load the GIF version of themes that also provide a PNG version even if the PNG version can be loaded. Can only be set at object initialization. GIF themes may provide a higher UI performance than other themes.

Return the resource value for a KEY given as string.

__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]
  • theme – Theme to set upon initialization. If theme is not available, fails silently.
  • toplevel – Control Toplevel background color option, see class documentation for details.
  • themebg – Control Tk background color option, see class documentation for details.
  • fonts – Whether to enable the automatic change of default font selected for a theme

cget redirect to support additional options

config(kw=None, **kwargs)[source]

configure redirect to support additional options

configure(kw=None, **kwargs)[source]

Configure resources of a widget.

The values for resources are specified as keyword arguments. To get an overview about the allowed keyword arguments call the method keys.

set_theme(theme_name, toplevel=None, themebg=None)[source]

Redirect the set_theme call to also set Tk background color

class ttkthemes._widget.ThemedWidget(tk_interpreter, gif_override=False)[source]

Bases: object

Provides functions to manipulate themes in order to reduce code duplication in the ThemedTk and ThemedStyle classes.

__init__(tk_interpreter, gif_override=False)[source]

Initialize attributes and call _load_themes

  • tk_interpreter – tk interpreter for tk.Widget that is being initialized as ThemedWidget. Even if this Widget is just a single widget, the changes affect all widgets with the same parent Tk instance.
  • gif_override – Force loading of GIF-themes even if PNG-themes can be loaded

Property to get the currently enabled theme


Return a list of names of available themes


Set new theme to use. Uses a direct tk call to allow usage of the themes supplied with this package.

Parameters:theme_name – name of theme to activate
set_theme_advanced(theme_name, brightness=1.0, saturation=1.0, hue=1.0, preserve_transparency=True, output_dir=None, advanced_name='advanced')[source]

Load an advanced theme that is dynamically created

Applies the given modifiers to the images of the theme given and then creates a theme from these new images with the name ‘advanced’ and then applies this theme. Is not available without support for PNG-based themes, then raises RuntimeError.


Property alias of get_themes()