Source code for ttkthemes.themed_tk

Author: RedFantom
License: GNU GPLv3
Copyright (c) 2017-2018 RedFantom
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk
from ._widget import ThemedWidget

[docs]class ThemedTk(tk.Tk, ThemedWidget): """ Tk child class that supports the themes supplied in this package A theme can be set upon initialization or during runtime. Can be used as a drop-in replacement for the normal Tk class. Additional options: - Initial theme ``theme``: Sets the initial theme to the theme specified. If the theme is not available, fails silently (there is no indication that the theme is not set other than it not appearing to the user). - Toplevel background color ``toplevel``: Hooks into the Toplevel.__init__ function to set a default window background color in the options passed. The hook is not removed after the window is destroyed, which is by design because creating multiple Tk instances should not be done in the first place. - Tk background color ``themebg``: Set the default background color of a Tk window to the default theme background color. For example: The background of windows may take on a dark color for dark themes. Backwards-compatible with the ``background`` keyword argument of v2.3.0 and earlier. - GIF theme override ``gif_override``: Forces ttkthemes to load the GIF version of themes that also provide a PNG version even if the PNG version can be loaded. Can only be set at object initialization. GIF themes may provide a higher UI performance than other themes. """ __tk_toplevel_init = tk.Toplevel.__init__
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ :param theme: Theme to set upon initialization. If theme is not available, fails silently. :param toplevel: Control Toplevel background color option, see class documentation for details. :param themebg: Control Tk background color option, see class documentation for details. :param fonts: Whether to enable the automatic change of default font selected for a theme """ theme = kwargs.pop("theme", None) fonts = kwargs.pop("fonts", False) self._toplevel = kwargs.pop("toplevel", None) self._themebg = kwargs.pop("themebg", None) # Backwards compatibility with ttkthemes v2.3.0 background = kwargs.pop("background", None) if isinstance(background, bool): self._themebg = self._themebg or background gif_override = kwargs.pop("gif_override", False) # Initialize as tk.Tk tk.Tk.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # Initialize as ThemedWidget ThemedWidget.__init__(self,, gif_override) # Set initial theme if theme is not None and theme in self.get_themes(): self.set_theme(theme, self._toplevel, self._themebg)
[docs] def set_theme(self, theme_name, toplevel=None, themebg=None): """Redirect the set_theme call to also set Tk background color""" if self._toplevel is not None and toplevel is None: toplevel = self._toplevel if self._themebg is not None and themebg is None: themebg = self._themebg ThemedWidget.set_theme(self, theme_name) color = self._get_bg_color() if themebg is True: self.config(background=color) if toplevel is True: self._setup_toplevel_hook(color)
def _get_bg_color(self): return ttk.Style(self).lookup("TFrame", "background", default="white") def _setup_toplevel_hook(self, color): """Setup Toplevel.__init__ hook for background color""" def __toplevel__(*args, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault("background", color) ThemedTk.__tk_toplevel_init(*args, **kwargs) tk.Toplevel.__init__ = __toplevel__
[docs] def config(self, kw=None, **kwargs): """configure redirect to support additional options""" themebg = kwargs.pop("themebg", self._themebg) toplevel = kwargs.pop("toplevel", self._toplevel) theme = kwargs.pop("theme", self.current_theme) color = self._get_bg_color() if themebg != self._themebg: if themebg is False: self.configure(bg="white") else: self.configure(bg=color) self._themebg = themebg if toplevel != self._toplevel: if toplevel is True: self._setup_toplevel_hook(color) else: tk.Toplevel.__init__ = ThemedTk.__tk_toplevel_init self._toplevel = toplevel if theme != self.current_theme: self.set_theme(theme) return tk.Tk.config(self, kw, **kwargs)
[docs] def cget(self, k): """cget redirect to support additional options""" if k == "themebg": return self._themebg elif k == "toplevel": return self._toplevel elif k == "theme": return self.current_theme return tk.Tk.cget(self, k)
[docs] def configure(self, kw=None, **kwargs): return self.config(kw, **kwargs)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, k): return self.cget(k)
def __setitem__(self, k, v): return self.config(**{k: v})