Theme Loading

Tkinter for Python runs a Tcl-interpreter with the Tk package. The actual UI is drawn and controlled by this Tcl-interpreter. In order to load themes into Tkinter, it must be done through this Tcl-interpreter. This page describes how this is done, and what the limitations per Python version are.


Each theme is a Tcl-package in itself. In order to load the theme, the package has to be loaded. Usually, stand-alone packages come with a pkgIndex.tcl file, which checks the dependencies of the package and then provides a package ifneeded {name} {version} line.

Then, in order to execute the code that creates the package, a package require {name} {version} is executed. Subsequently, the code provided after the package ifneeded is executed, and thus the files for the package are executed.

The code files that are executed to create the package then provide a package provide {name} {version} line, which creates the package. Then loading the package is complete, and the theme is available.

In the case of ttkthemes, there is a big difference. The themes are split into PNG-themes (which also have a GIF-version) and GIF-only themes. The appropriate pkgIndex.tcl files in the right folders are evaluated depending on whether the PNG-dependencies have been met. Instead of using package ifneeded with a pkgIndex.tcl file for each theme, ttkthemes loads all the themes instantly upon evaluation of the pkgIndex.tcl file of the whole folder of themes.

This is done so as to limit the amount of Tcl-code in the ttkthemes package. While the ttkthemes package could still be used with Tcl directly, it is intended for use within Python, and Tkinter’s error reporting facilities are extremely limited (no full tracebacks are available), and thus the amount of Tcl-code is best minimized. All work that can be performed in Python is performed in Python.

For more information on packages and loading them, check the tcl-lang wiki website.


All themes are available on all platforms that support Tk 8.4 or higher. Tk 8.4 is available with all Python distributions of 2.7 or higher. Python-distributions may be created with higher versions of Tk as well. In order to load the higher quality PNG version of themes for which it is available, either Tk 8.6 is required, or TkImg. Tk 8.6 is available with Python 3.6 in most Python binary distributions, including the Windows binaries and the Ubuntu PPA-version. However, it may be possible that there are binary distributions compiled with a different version of Tk out in the wild. In order to use the PNG version of themes on older Python versions, including Python 2.7, TkImg is required. While formerly provided with ttkthemes, the Tk-extension TkImg is now available for Python in a separate package: tkimg.


The ttkthemes themes can be loaded from a Tcl-interpreter directly. In fact, this is what the _Widget-class does for the ttkthemes Python-package. In this section, from this point onwards, ttkthemes will refer to the Tcl-package instead.

The themes provided are divided into two categories: themes with a PNG and GIF version and themes with only a GIF version. The GIF-only themes are provided in the folder /ttkthemes/themes. The pkgIndex.tcl file in this folder loads all themes in the folder when executed and provides the ttkthemes package.

For the other category of themes, only the GIF or PNG version can be loaded, as loading a second package with a name which is already used by another package is not possible.

Depending on whether the PNG or GIF version of themes should be loaded, the pkgIndex.tcl in the ttkthemes/gif or ttkthemes/png can be evaluated. The PNG themes can only be loaded if Tk is version 8.6 or TkImg is available.

package require Tk 8.6
source ttkthemes/themes/pkgIndex.tcl
source ttkthemes/png/pkgIndex.tcl
package require ttkthemes 1.0
ttk::setTheme plastik